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Logic in Loops



Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments

  • Day 8

    1. Introduction of the Project (10 minutes)
    2. Brainstorm Ideas (15 minutes)
    3. Pair and Share (15 minutes)
    4. Select Your Partner and Project Idea (10 minutes)
    5. Homework
  • Day 9

    1. Finish Your Pseudocode (10 minutes)
    2. Pair and Share (10 minutes)
    3. Set up GitHub Repository for Collaboration (5 minutes)
    4. Write Code (25 minutes)
    5. Homework
  • Day 10

    1. Team meeting (5 minutes)
    2. Write Code (20 minutes)
    3. Feedback from Another Group (10 minutes)
    4. Revise Code (15 minutes)
    5. Homework
  • Day 11

    1. Finalize Code (10 minutes)
    2. Respond to Prompts & Turn in Project (40 minutes)

Learning Objectives

The project is a review of the Learning Objectives covered in this unit.

Essential Knowledge

The project is a review of the essential knowledge skills covered in this unit.


Day 8

1. Introduction to the project (10 minutes)

  • Explain to students the requirements for the collaborative project.
  • Answer any questions students have regarding the project.

2. Brainstorm ideas (15 minutes)

  1. Task students with brainstorming ideas for their project.
  2. Encourage them to respond to prompts on the Planning Your Program page to help generate ideas.

3. Pair and share (15minutes)

  • Encourage students to organize into groups of 4 to 5 and have them share their ideas with their classmates.
  • You can use the Group Generator program to randomly sort students.
  • Students should offer feedback:
    • Which one sounds most interesting from a user's perspective?
    • Any resources or ideas you have that would help?

4. Select Your partner and project idea (10 minutes)

  • Students will select a partner:
    • Groups should be pairs of students, or if numbers allow no more than three students.
  • Teams will select their project.
  • Students should share their partner and their project idea with you before class ends.
  • Students will need to divide tasks among each other to begin the workflow for the project.

5. Homework

  • Students should begin writing the pseudocode for their program.

Day 9

1. Finish your pseudocode (10 minutes)

  • Give students no more than 10 minutes to finish up their pseudocode.
  • If students are finished, they can begin creating their code while they wait on classmates to finish.

2. Pair and share (10 minutes)

  • Students should meet with their partner and share the pseudocode they have written.
  • Students should offer feedback on the pseudocode:
  • Is there something that does not seem to fit the projected plan?
  • Do you have an idea of how they can make their program stronger?

3. Set ip GitHub Repository for collaboration (5 minutes)

  • Task one student in each group with creating a GitHub Repository for their project.
  • Other students will accept the invitation from their partners to collaborate.

4. Write code (25 minutes)

  • Students should start writing their code.
  • Encourage students to comment on their code as they write it.
  • Remind them to create meaningful names for their variables.
  • Encourage them to save their project periodically (to protect against unexpected technical issues).
  • Remind them to test their program as they create it.

5. Homework

  • Students should evaluate how much time they will need to complete their project.
  • If they know they will need more time than allotted in class, they will need to work on the program for homework.

Day 10

1. Team meeting (5 minutes)

  • Students should pair up with their partner and share their program as it is written so far.
  • Students should offer feedback on the program:
    • Is there anything in their program that does not reflect their plan properly?
    • Do you have an idea of how to make the program stronger?
    • Are they meeting all of the requirements of the project?

2. Write code (20 minutes)

  • Students should consider their classmate's feedback:
    • Do they need to modify anything based on the feedback they received.
  • Encourage students to comment on their code as they write it.
  • Encourage them to save their project periodically (to protect against unexpected technical issues).
  • Remind them to test their program as they create it.

3. Feedback from another group (10 minutes)

  • Encourage groups to switch and test each other's games/program and give feedback based on the project rubric and user experience.

4. Revise code (15 minutes)

  • Based on feedback, encourage students to revise their code.

5. Homework

  • Students should evaluate how much time they will need to complete their project.
  • The project ends tomorrow, and they will need to write responses explaining their program tomorrow.
  • If they know they will need more time than allotted in class, they will need to work on the program for homework.
  • Students should also review the prompts that they will need to complete by the end of the day tomorrow.

Day 11

1. Finalize code (10 minutes)

  • Students should finish their code, if they have not already.
  • Task students with:
    • Publishing their project
    • Creating a screencast of their program running
    • Creating a screenshot of their program
    • Labeling the screenshot with the three algorithm implementations

2. Respond to prompts and turn in project (40 minutes)

  • Task students with completing the written responses to the prompts found on the Project Requirements & Responses page.
  • Each partner needs to write responses to the prompts.
  • They should work independently on this section of the project.
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Planning Your Program