- Day 15 PowerPoint deck
- Calculate Ages in Room (for teacher)
- Repetition in Every Day Life
- My Animation Code Segments
- animationLoop (for teacher)
- animationNestedLoop (for teacher)
- ghost loop animation (for teacher)
- boomerang (for teacher)
- increment-loop (for teacher)
- Resources that can help teachers prepare for the lesson, but students do not need to complete this time:
Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments
- Randomness Review (5 minutes)
- Introduction to Loops (20 minutes)
- Types of Loops (5 minutes)
- Revise Your Sprite Stories (20 minutes)
- Reflection/Homework
Learning Objectives
- AAP-2.K For iteration:
- AAP-2.J Express an algorithm that uses iteration without using a programming language.β2.A
- For loops- repeat until condition is met.
- AAP-2.B Represent a step-by-step algorithmic process using sequential code statements. 2.B
Essential Knowledge
- AAP-2.K.1 Iteration statements change the sequential flow of control by repeating a set of statements zero or more times, until a stopping condition is met.
- AAP-2.K.2 The exam reference sheet provides:
Text:REPEAT n TIMES{<block of statements>}Block:REPEAT n TIMESblock of statements in which the block of statements is executed n times.
- AAP-2.J.1 Iteration is a repeating portion of an algorithm. Iteration repeats a specified number of times or until a given condition is met.
- AAP-2.B.7 Clarity and readability are important considerations when expressing an algorithm in a programming language.
1. Randomness review (5 minutes)
- What is randomness?
- What are the kinds of randomness?
- How is randomness generated?
- What role does randomness play in games?
2. Introduce Loops (20 minutes)
- Remind students where they have seen loops used previously in the course.
- Define loops.
- Explain the benefits of using loops.
- Discuss Iteration on the Exam Reference Sheet.
- Discuss loops in the real world.
- Give students 5 minutes to work with a partner to create an algorithm for a daily activity that involves iteration.
- When students are finished, ask them to share their team's algorithm with the class.
- Task students with animating an image from the sprite gallery.
- Give students five minutes to create their animation.
3. Types of Loops (5 minutes)
- Show students what a nested loop is.
- Demonstrate how students can use the change mySprite by line of code in a repeat loop to create animation.
- Discuss flip picture.
- Discuss the types of Loops in MakeCode Arcade:
- Forever
- Repeat
- For index
- While
4. Revise Your sprite story (20 minutes)
Task students with going back to their Sprite Story and using loops to revise it
- Students can:
- Animate their sprites' interactions with each other by creating movement
- Consider if there is any other way you can use loops to manage the conversations/interactions between the sprites
- Remind students to share their work and copy the link to the "My Animation Code Segments" page
5. Reflection/Homework
If you run out of time, you may also assign this as individual homework. Students should complete their reflection.
- How does a repeat block make programming easier by reducing code repetition? Be specific with an example.
- How can using loops make your code better?