Computing Systems and Networks
Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments
- Reading Review (10 minutes)
- Computing Systems and Computer Networks (10 minutes)
- Bandwidth and Latency (10 minutes)
- IP Addresses and Domain Names (5 minutes)
- Cloud Computing (10 minutes)
Learning Objectives
Essential Knowledge
- CSN-1.A.2 A computing system is a group of computing devices and programs working together for a common purpose.
- CSN-1.A.3 A computer network is a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data.
- CSN-1.A.4 A computer network is a type of computing system.
- CSN-1.A.5 A path between two computing devices on a computer network (a sender and a receiver) is a sequence of directly connected computing devices that begins at the sender and ends at the receiver.
- CSN-1.A.6 Routing is the process of finding a path from sender to receiver.
- CSN-1.A.7 The bandwidth of a computer network is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time.
- CSN-1.A.8 Bandwidth is usually measured in bits per second.
- CSN-1.B.1
- CSN-1.B.2
- CSN-1.B.3
- CSN-1.B.4
- CSN-1.B.5
1. Reading Review (10 minutes)
- Discuss the answers to the following questions related to last night's assigned reading:
- What does "End to End" in the Internet mean?
- What is net neutrality and why is it important?
2. Computing Systems and Computer Networks (10 minutes)
- Define computing systems.
- Define computer networks.
- Discuss networks we use.
- School network
- Home network
3. Bandwidth and Latency (10 minutes)
- Define bandwidth
- Discuss difference between uploads and downloads
- Compare students Internet speeds with the country and world:
- Internet speed test
- Internet speed maps
- Latency
- Measuring Latency
- Ping command
- Tracert command
4. IP Addresses and Domain Names (5 minutes)
- Explain what an IP address is:
- IPv4
- IPv6
- Find Your IP address.
- Discuss subnet mask, gateway default, and DNS.
- Define hostname.
- Define DNS.
- Examples of top-level domain names.
5. Cloud Computing (10 minutes)
- Define cloud computing.
- Discuss examples of cloud computing.
- Ask students to share ways they use cloud computing.
- Types of cloud computing.