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Teaching Tool Work Day



  • Day 10 PowerPoint deck

Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments

  1. Check in: Webpage project (5 minutes)
  2. Continue work on project (35 minutes)
  3. Reflection (5 minutes)
  4. Homework

Learning Objectives

  • Computational Thinking Practices: Skill 1.D, 5.A
  • CSN-1.A Explain how computing devices work together in a network.
  • CSN-1.B Explain how the Internet works.
  • CSN-1.C Explain how data are sent through the Internet via packets.
  • CSN-1.D Describe the differences between the Internet and the World Wide Web.
  • CSN-1.E For fault-tolerant systems, like the Internet:
    1. Describe the benefits of fault tolerance.
    2. Explain how a given system is fault-tolerant.
    3. Identify vulnerabilities to failure in a system.
  • CSN-2.A For sequential, parallel, and distributed computing:
    1. Compare problem solutions.
    2. Determine the efficiency of solutions
  • CSN-2.B Describe benefits and challenges of parallel and distributed computing.

Essential Knowledge


1. Check in: Webpage project (5 minutes)

  • Students should reflect on and discuss with their partners the following questions:
    • What did you do yesterday?
    • What will you do today?
    • Are there any impediments in your way?
    • How does your plan match the rubric?
    • Are there any adjustments you need to make based on the rubric?

2. Continue work on project (35 minutes)

  • When everyone has checked in, students should continue working on their project.
  • Remind the students they have today and tomorrow to work on their projects in class. Some work may need to be done outside of class for homework to complete the project.

3. Reflection (5 minutes)

  • Students should complete their reflection in their OneNote to the following questions:
    • How is work progressing on your project?
    • What do you still need to complete?
    • What tools/materials do you need?

4. Homework

  • Students should assess what tasks need to be completed this evening to finish on time.
  • Students should assign tasks to each partner to complete.
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